Behind the VAGAVANCE brand is designer Malin Hansson who has a great interest in creativity and personal development along with crafts and creations.
She says: The idea for the name VAGAVANCE comes from the French Wave (Vague) and Forward (Avance). Waves are found in both surfing and in Taekwon-Do, both which I practice, also life itself goes in waves but despite that we move forward. We all need movement and stillness, energy and balance, as the opposites Yin and Yang.
I always liked classy and simple designs in both jewelry and clothes and I appreciate when I find something I really like. For as long as I can remember, I enjoyed all types of exercise and sports, but have never found classy, yet sporty jewelry.
When I cannot find what I want, I always start to wonder if I can develop it myself. This in turn became the start of VAGAVANCE design!